Kids Sack
Lunch Program
For too many kids in Boone county...
The only meals they eat during the day are those provided at their schools. But what happens when school isn’t in session? What do kids eat during fall, Christmas, and spring breaks and during the long, summer vacation? (14 weeks a year).
It’s not pleasant to think that our community’s children are hungry. It’s heartbreaking to even think about. Much of the food they eat during their breaks are sugar-filled and unhealthy snacks. That’s not good enough for our county’s children.

To address the community need, Shalom started the Kids Sack Lunch Program. During school breaks, volunteers pack hundreds of sack lunches and distribute them to families with children.
These sacks contain enough food for a full week’s worth of lunches. This is no small endeavor as we weekly pack and distribute hundreds of meals throughout Boone County. As our program has grown and as we strive to provide fresh, healthy food (our newest initiative provides milk vouchers for families!), our costs continue to rise. The cost to provide one week of food for Boone County children is $3,000 to $5,000 per week.
Donations from churches, individuals, local businesses and organizations are instrumental to help make this program thrive.
Volunteers from throughout the county donate food, money, and their time to pack and distribute meals. We do all of this, along with serving two weekly meals at the Shalom House, with only two, part-time, paid staff members. That means we can’t do it with Y-O-U! So we say: THANK YOU! Thank you for your donations, for your time, and for your support.